Red Corp Logo

Red Corp

SCP RP Faction

Don't ask how we got this, we just did - Agent 003


Name: Red Corp

Red Corp is a clandestine and highly dangerous organization operating with exceptional secrecy. The group is led by an individual identified only as Mr. X, whose abilities are classified as ████████████. The full nature of Mr. X’s ████████████ remains classified due to their █████████████ nature. These abilities allow for ██████████ and manipulation on a scale beyond our current understanding.

Red Corp’s operations include, but are not limited to, ██████████ such as corporate sabotage, █████████, and high-risk personal protection. Their willingness to accept virtually any assignment for the right price highlights their █████████████ boundaries.


Mr. X is the enigmatic leader of Red Corp. The true identity and background of Mr. X are classified under ██████████. The specifics of Mr. X’s █████████████ abilities are considered highly sensitive and are █████████████████. Detailed information on these abilities is restricted to ███████████ level personnel.

Recent Incident:

Recent intelligence confirms Red Corp’s involvement in the assassination of one of our operatives. The operative, who was involved in █████████████████, was found ██████████ under circumstances that reveal Red Corp’s █████████████ capabilities. This event demonstrates a severe breach of security and highlights the organization’s █████████.

Details regarding the recent incident are classified under ███████████. All related information should remain confidential, and any unauthorized access or discussion is strictly prohibited. This act underscores a significant vulnerability and demands an immediate response from the O5 Council.



Red Corp’s activities are frequently illegal and raise significant ethical concerns. The recent action against our operative highlights their █████████ capacity and willingness to target high-value individuals, including those within our ranks. This represents an escalation of their threat level and a severe breach of security.

Current Status:

Red Corp remains operational and continues to function under the radar. Their evasion of detection and capacity to strike against our personnel demands immediate and decisive action. The O5 Council is undertaking a comprehensive reassessment of our strategies and response measures.

Handling Instructions:

Do not interact with Red Corp without express permission from an L4 high command member. Unauthorized contact or investigation into Red Corp may result in severe consequences.

Classified Information: All details concerning Mr. X’s ███████████████ and the recent incident are classified under ██████████████. Access to this information is restricted to authorized personnel only. Unauthorized disclosure or discussion is strictly prohibited.

Security Measures: Enhanced security protocols are in effect to prevent further breaches. Adherence to these protocols is mandatory, and all personnel must report any suspicious activity immediately.

This document contains highly sensitive information and should be handled with the utmost care. Further directives regarding Red Corp will be communicated through secure channels only.